Valitse Sivu

The Bishop of Helsinki resigns

The Bishop of Helsinki resigns

The Holy Father has accepted today (May 20, 2019) the resignation of the Bishop of the Diocese of Helsinki, Finland, H.E. Msgr. Teemu Sippo SCI.
Bishop Sippo presented his resignation due to the accident he suffered last winter and exhaustion it has caused him, and Pope Francis has granted his request. Thus bishop Sippo is now bishop emeritus of Helsinki, and the process for the search of his successor will begin according to the normal practices of the Catholic Church. The see of Helsinki is now vacant (sede vacante). The College of Consultors is to elect a Diocesan Administrator within eight days. Diocesan councils and even the office of the Vicar General remain vacant as well.

The Catholic Church in Finland has about 15.500 registered members divided in eight parishes. About half of the Catholics are immigrants. There are 30 priests and about 30 religious sisters in Finland.


Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Marko Tervaportti

Marko Tervaportti on Katolisen hiippakuntalehti Fideksen päätoimittaja ja Helsingin hiippakunnan viestintäjohtaja. Hän on koulutukseltaan filosofian maisteri (teoreettinen filosofia, Helsingin yliopisto). Hän on opiskellut myös Paavillisessa Angelicum-yliopistossa Roomassa.



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