Valitse Sivu

The Bishop’s Christmas Greeting

The Bishop’s Christmas Greeting

Dear members of this Diocese,

Many people put up their Christmas lights long before Christmas. And who would fault that? In many places, they provide well-needed light in the snowless darkness of December. But if celebrating Christmas only consists of such external actions, it becomes incomprehensible and leaves your heart cold. There are many beautiful customs associated with Christmas: giving gifts, sending greetings and gathering for a common festive meal. But at the heart of this feast, there is something much deeper: God’s love for us. He gives us and this world His Son. God wants to tell us: ’I love each one of you, just as I love this baby Jesus of mine, Mary’s little boy.’

Entering into this mystery of Christmas and, if circumstances allow, taking part in Christmas Mass, shows us the deeper meaning of Christmas and awakens joy and gratitude in our hearts.

I wish you all a Blessed and Peaceful Christmas!

Teemu Sippo S.C.I.
Bishop of Helsinki

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Katolinen hiippakuntalehti Fides on Helsingin katolisen hiippakunnan viestintäosaston julkaisu. Se ilmestyy osin paperisena ja osin pelkästään nettiversiona. ISSN 0356-5262.



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