Valitse Sivu

”Encounter with Jesus”

”Encounter with Jesus”

Bimonthly Catholic Charismatic One-day Conference in English 

With vibrant music, Praise & Worship, testimonies, preaching of Word of God, Holy Mass, Eucharistic adoration & healing service, & personal spiritual sharing.

Led by Anointing Fire Catholic ministries (AFCM), UK 

On Saturday, 28th March 2020

From 9.30 am – 4.00 pm

(9.30 – 10.30 in the parish hall)

At St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Mäntytie 2, Helsinki

Pre-registration is required. Please do register at the earliest!

(If personal spiritual sharing is needed, please give your name in advance during registration)

Sandwich & coffee shall be served during lunch. Most welcome to bring own food if needed.

Registration fees – 5 € (can be paid on the day of Conference at the venue or earlier to the Account No: FI24 1220 3500 6207 17, Nordea Bank)

(Free for children under 12 years of age) Donations are most welcome.

For details & registration, contact:

Shino- 044 2130474, e-mail:

Lisa – 050 4876470, e-mail:

Tea Laurila – 044 3723223, e-mail: 

Please register for the conference in the registration form given below:

Conference organised under the pastoral direction of Fr. Rafal Czernia, 

parish priest, St. Mary’s Church, Helsinki.

Tietoja kirjoittajasta


Katolinen hiippakuntalehti Fides on Helsingin katolisen hiippakunnan viestintäosaston julkaisu. Se ilmestyy osin paperisena ja osin pelkästään nettiversiona. ISSN 0356-5262.



Uusin lehti || Arkisto (2001–)


Radio Deissä ja Spotifyssa

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Paavin twiitit


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