The Bishop’s Greeting for Advent
Catholic Diocesan Magazine Fides is renewed
Orthodox-Catholic Procession in Honor of the Virgin Mary in Helsinki on the 8th of September
Where the People Are – An Interview with the Bishop
The Bishop’s Message for Lent: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting
Lenten Regulations on Fasting and Abstinence in the Diocese of Helsinki 2024
Hope does not disappoint
Editorial, Fides 6/2024, p. 2. December 5, 2024. First, a greeting to all Fides readers: On the adjacent page, you will find more information about the renewal…
Pepe of the Rectory
I met Father Anders at the door of the rectory. He led me down a short hallway to a door that bore a sign: “Huom. Koira vapaana sisällä, Notice: Dog…
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