The restrictions put into place to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and protect people’s health come to an end in the Diocese of Helsinki at the end of April.
Parishes return to their normal practices in their activities. However, we still encourage people to maintain good hand and cough hygiene and to avoid coming to church if you have symptoms of Covid-19 or some other easily transmissible disease.
From now on, the obligation to attend Mass in person on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is in force again. However, those who are part of various risk goups may still need to avoid those Masses that generally have the greatest number of people. For more information, please contact your parish.
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During this Easter time, I ask all of you to pray in particular for all the victims of the pandemic and their loved ones, but also for all those who worked to treat them and care for them. I ask that in your prayers you also remember all victims of war, both in Ukraine and elsewhere. Let us pray for a just peace as soon as possible.
Let us also rejoice that the life of our parishes returns to normal. In the next few weeks, there will be many First Communion celebrations in our parishes. As it should, this period of multiple festivities turns our eyes towards the source of eternal life and never-ending hope: Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let him be the first inspiration and deepest measure of all our deeds and decisions.
Wishing you all a Blessed Eastertime!
Helsinki, May 25th, 2022
Father Marco Pasinato
Diocesan Administrator