Led by Fr. Soji Olikkal & team, Founder & Director, Sehion Retreat Centre, UK & leading charismatic preacher in Europe, conducting fire anointing healing and deliverance retreats for families, youth, teens, kids, including 2nd Saturday Conventions attended by thousands in UK.
On Saturday, 18th May, 2019
From 9.30am – 4.00pm
At St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Mäntytie 2, Helsinki
Lunch will be provided.
Pre-registration is required. Please do register at the earliest!
Registration fees – 7 €(optional for food & to be paid on the day of Conference at the venue)
(Free for children under 12 years of age) Donations are most welcome.
For registration, contact:
Shino- 044 2130474 ; shinosajis@gmail.com
Femi – 045 1731226; femijoseph@gmail.com
Tea Laurila – 044 3723223; laurilatea@gmail.com
Conference organised under the pastoral direction of Fr. Rafal Czernia, parish priest, St. Mary’s Church, Helsinki.